
Docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04
Docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04

docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04

Follow the Docker installation steps from this site: CUDA GPU accelerated support for WSL 2.Remove all docker and nvidia-docker related apps.

docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04

I had the exact same problem after following the exact same blog as you did.

#Docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04 how to

Saying yes to that also doesn't help so my suspicion is it's not being exposed but don't know how to check. Pretty sure it's running as the wsl -shutdown Ubuntu command from the blog article results in a Windows docker notification that docker stopped unexpectedly with a 'do you want to restart it?' This other post suggested that the docker service may not be exposed or running. It is however there somewhere as docker -version works. Note that I can get a list of services using sudo service -status-all but docker isn't listed. Same thing if I try sudo service docker start which seems a more appropriate command to 'start' a service. The start command is stated to be sudo service docker stop but I get a response of docker: unrecognized service. The blog posting itself and other research suggests that docker may need to be restarted to address this problem but unfortunately the commands from the same blog posting about stopping and starting docker don't quite work (the stop does but not the start). RESPONSE: docker: Error response from daemon: could not select device driver "" with capabilities: ]. COMMAND: docker run -gpus all nvcr.io/nvidia/k8s/cuda-sample:nbody nbody -gpu -benchmark I'm trying to follow this blog article to get CUDA working in a Ubuntu 20.04 kernel for non graphical machine learning running inside of WSL 2 under Windows 10 (build 20201.1000 with Nvidia driver 455.41) and am getting the error below for this command.

Docker desktop for ubuntu 20.04